Safe ~ Secure ~ Convenient!

Accessible from everywhere – Your Desktop, Tablet & Smartphone…

In a time of special health concerns and to ease the access to our professional medical treatment, we have partnered with to provide you with a simple and secure Tele~Medicine solution.

Tele~Medicine Is Safe…

Online doctor visits help protect you, your providers and other patients from infectious diseases like colds, flu and COVID-19.

Tele~Medicine Is Secure…

Tele~Medicine visits are encrypted and password-protected, giving you the same privacy you expect from a visit to the doctor’s office.

Tele~Medicine Is Convenient…

Talk with your provider from the comfort of home. All you need is a compatible device and a reliable Internet connection.

Every Tele~Medicine appointment begins by scheduling a visit like you normally would. Your doctor might recommend a Tele~Medicine appointment for general health concerns, routine checkups or follow-up visits. Start by calling our office and requesting an appointment using our Tele~Medicine platform.

Helpful Links…

Please use these buttons to access your Patient Portal, Download Patient Forms to fill out before your first visit & to read our Privacy Practices.

(941) 907-9298

Fax: (941) 941-907-9148

8340 Lakewood Ranch Blvd, Suite 140

Bradenton, FL 34202

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